Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Happy Day!

Today we had our third prenatal appointment for screenings and we got to see Baby O. again! He/She was VERY active in the womb, flip flopping around, waving to us and shaking it's little legs. A little camera shy, every time the tech tried to catch a glimpse of the face or profile he/she would quickly flip over and show us their back! I could have laid there all morning watching our little baby move around. I laughed a few times because I was so happy and I wondered if the baby knew I was being entertained by them already.
I will be 12 weeks tomorrow and I must admit even though this first trimester has been a little rough I am kind of sad for it to be over. Now we are 1/3 of the way there! I'm feeling a little better than I was last week; last week there must have been a growth spurt or somethin' cause I went from feeling a lot better to feeling like week 7 again...hopefully I will continue feeling better and gaining more of my appetite and energy back!
Currently, sense of smell violators are...pizza, basil, anything with 'italian seasoning' smell, pretty much anything with pasta sauce, still sandwich meat, raw meat, chicken (cooked and raw) and anything fried, blah. I find if I eat anything dairy or drink milk (which I am trying to do to get my calcium intake) I get that "gaggy feeling" more quickly...This week so far I have been eating, fruit popsicle (particularly wanting "paletas" those Mexican fruit bars, I have yet to find a bell ringing ice cream hombre), salads, lots of apple and cranberry juice (half water/half juice), ice ( I used to like room temp. water, now I must have ice in everything), fruit, fruit and more fruit (apples, kiwis, melons, cherries) oh, and Alex went to buy me a little white cake with butter-creme frosting from Albertsons...one random craving :)
Still not sleeping too well at night, the faintest sounds wake me up, including Alex moving and snoring and the Snick moving around and licking her chops. So really, neither Alex or I are getting great sleep because I nudge him to turn over at least five times a night. Sorry hunny-bunny...
I look forward to beginning my second trimester this week and enjoying it, as many other mothers say this will be the best one!
In other Busy Bee news, Alex is in 'finding career' mode. We are expecting a lot of other changes, besides just the baby, over the next couple months (hopefully sooner). So many things going on right now! I am enjoying the excitement of the unknown and expecting the best! He has been working so hard at his graphic design/animation portfolio and a big interview coming up in a week or so. I am so proud of him! He is going to be a great dad! He was so thrilled today seeing the baby move around and he kept saying all day what a proud father he was already. Well, I know Baby O. will be just as proud of his daddy one day ;)

11 weeks 6 days (head is the right, kinda see nose and eyes, body is left)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

We're Having A Baby, My Baby and Me!

I cannot describe how excited I am! Alex and I found out we were expecting June 29th, I wrapped up the pregnancy test in long jewelry box and gave it Alex on his break at work. He was ecstatic and surely wore a huge smile all day. A loooong three and a half weeks later we had our first ultrasound along with blood tests and paperwork. I was so nervous at the first appointment, my blood pressure was unusually high and I was shaking. When the little bean came up on the monitor and we heard the whoosh whoosh of the heartbeat (169 bpm) I was put at ease and began to cry. It was so small yet already had a heart! I just wanted to listen to the heartbeat all afternoon! We got our first baby picture and I pinned about five of them all over the house.
As far as morning sickness goes, I guess I should consider myself pretty lucky...I get a "gaggy feeling" most of the time, like something is tickling the back of my tongue and I feel like my nose has super powers. Many smells bother me, I haven't had a sandwich since about June 29th because deli meat sounds and looks disgusting! My main favorite foods have been toast, bagels with cream cheese, cantaloupe, cheese and crackers, applesauce and apple juice.  Keeping my tummy full or at least content has been a challenge, especially because hardly anything sounds good and when it does sound good, I need it NOW! Alex has been so cooperative during this crazy time. He's willing to eat anything I want to eat, has gone as long as I have without morning coffee (I used to not be able to start my day with it, now it stinks!) and has been the housekeeper, cook and counselor. As soon as I am feeling better, can stand to look at raw meat and take the heat in the kitchen I am making him a wonderful dinner! You know me, I LOVE to cook and bake and now and then the thought and urge comes on but then quickly dissipates...Hopefully when the baking season hits I will be ready!
I have been EXTREMELY tired, more like EXHAUSTED! I normally would wake up around 7am, start my day (with that warm cup of coffee) run errands all over town and then work on household chores, now....ha! I can barely make my own breakfast and I'm lucky if I can complete one load of laundry! Forget grocery shopping, that gets done when Alex can go with me. After breakfast I'm ready for a nap! Really. Napping- never used to partake. Now I must or I am a grumpy zombie.
My emotions have been high, I try not to think too much about the future or how fast my baby will grow up because then I will ball my eyes out. I think about all the joys of becoming a mother, watching who our baby will be, what they will be interested in, who they will take after and it makes me cry. I want nothing but the best and everything for our little baby. It is so small now and has no sense of evil or sadness and I wish he/she could just stay that way. I know that could never be but I hope they experience as little as possible. I try hard not to cry or be sad because I know the baby can sense that already. I write letters to him/her a couple times a week and always promise to keep them protected. I already feel like a Mama Bear. I am already proud of him/her, for growing so strong, I can only imagine the pride I will feel for their 'firsts', school awards and other accomplishments.Sometimes I place my hand on my belly and wonder if he/she can sense my thoughts.
I have so many "can't waits" but really I can wait, I know time is going to fly by so I am cherishing every moment, even feeling like I'll never be normal again. I remember these are my first sacrifices for my baby! I would endure so much more if I knew he/she would benefit! It is worth it. I know Alex and I's life will never be the same but in the best way possible, I think. I know in about seven months I will be walking around waiting for him/her to fall asleep and I will probably be even more exhausted than I am now, but I will again try to cherish those moments.
Well, today has been such an amazing day that I will remember ALWAYS! Now, I think I will celebrate with the rest of my slice of Coconut Cream Pie.
6 weeks 5 days

11 weeks