Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Mama's Boy

I hear, "What a Mamas Boy..." about Liam every other day, from family, from strangers, from my mother in law...oh well. He is Mamas Boy and that's alright with me. Now granted, I don't want to still be doing his laundry when he's 40, but my heart won't mind a bit when he wants to come home for Mamas spaghetti, and if I'm completely honest with you, I may not mind if I'm still ironing his clothes at 40.
Obviously there's always been some negative connotation associated with the phrase, Mama's Boy. I've used it in that sense a couple times about ex-boyfriends, friends, my husband...haha. But now that I am a Mama to a son, I kind of understand. Even more so because I am a stay at home mom of a single, boy. We do everything together. He's by my side 24/7. He's my shopping buddy, my helper, my companion and friend. 99.9% of the time he chooses me over anyone else in the room. Sometimes that is stressful, but most of the time I am flattered. What it is to be someone who means so much to somebody. He is a little human that trusts me 110% and loves me for me. I know I'm not perfect but right now to him, I am. I struggle sometimes with doing things for myself because I never want Liam to feel I chose anything over him (or any other future children) I know one day he'll realize I'm human and I've made and will continue to make mistakes, but I always want him to be proud of who is mother is.
Sometimes I wonder if we had a girl, if she would be more attached to Alex or if it would be the same as it is with Liam. Maybe we'll find out one day. I know I'm pretty enamored with my father.
I try to fast forward to the day when Liam no longer wants me to kiss him goodbye at school, or when he goes to college, or when he gets married and my heart literally hurts at the thought. Again, not in the way that, I don't want to share him or for him to experience life, but in the way that my best friends is moving away. See, even now, I tearing up! Lord help me. You may ask, well what about your husband, your partner for life...yes, of course I love him with all my heart, I love his company and know he'll be there and we'll get to travel and do all that stuff your supposed to do when your kids are grown, but its just different, and you cant explain that to someone who is childless. And again, I wonder if I will feel this way with a girl, or if I only feel this way because Liam is my first born. Motherhood, Parenthood, I should say, is such a funny thing. You want so badly for your kids to live a wonderful life, be independent, travel the world and at the same time you want them to stay two years old and crawl onto your lap when they're sleepy.
I am so blessed that I have been able to be with Liam 24/7 for these last two, almost THREE years. I know that all this time with me has given him something irreplaceable by anything or anyone else. And even though (for now) it is a sacrifice of night out, or a day at the spa or new furniture or WHATEVER, I remind myself that I, nor no amount of money would ever be able to buy back what our little family has gained.
So with all of that being said, when someone says 'What a Mamas Boy', either about him or someone else, good for them. Don't see it as a sign of weakness or laziness. Would you rather hear they complain and tell a sad story of a drugged out mother? I'll now understand that that son probably loves his Mama to no end because he was there with her 24/7 for the first years of his life building forts, making him eat his vegetables, teaching him manners and being his biggest cheerleader in the game of life. And if he loves his Mama that much there's a good chance his Mama loves him doubly as much!

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Auld Lang Syne

I was shocked to see how long it's been since I last blogged! Over a year, almost TWO! I guess I've just been busy doing nothing, and everything! Busy being  a mama, a wife, sister and daughter, cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, shopping (😁), enjoying and living MY life. And here we are at the closing of another year and I'm getting sentimental, as usual, about all the things we've done and all the things to come. We had a fabulous holiday season. Audra gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, we hosted our third handmade market, witnessed first hand the success of our baby sister, Clara and her calligraphy business, our sister, Amanda visited from Florida with her family to celebrate Thanksgiving with us all and we just got the house back in order after a very generous visit from Santa...not to mention gifts from aunts, uncles and grandparents!

I've been seeing quite a few posts on Facebook and hearing from people that they are welcoming 2015 because they are SO over 2014, as if it were last years failed fashion statement. I'm welcoming 2015 too, but I'm sad to see 2014 end. Sure 2014 had it's issues, but doesn't every year? Life has it's issues but you just roll with it. I don't look back and dwell on the bad times that were this year. Even if it seemed there were a lot. I focus on the 'good old times' and I'm sad when every year ends...I've mentioned, I have a love hate relationship with time. Now especially since I have my baby, who will be three in March! 3!!! I can't believe how fast time flies. This year he was so into Santa visiting and was obsessed with reindeer. I know next year he'll be excited and hopefully many many years after, but every year after this will be a little different, and different after the next and so on. I just want him to stay a little boy forever.

For us, 2014 had it's share of turbulence, sure, but we got through it and that's all that matters. This year was so new and exciting for Liam. He's so active, so curious and tries to be so independent, yet he's very much my baby. He loves his Mama....like a good Italian boy ;) he adores his Daddy, loves helping him and loves wearing his shoes and hats; when he walks through the doors he exclaims, "Dadas home!" and  my heart melts. See, I know there had to be some days in there where I was pulling my hair out just waiting for him to walk through the door to help me or to eat dinner but I look back and my memory is Liam's sweet voice and the happy feeling in our home...because at the core that's what was there.

Next year holds so much opportunity for our family. Alex will be graduating in May, so there is that, possibly (hopefully) a carreer change, a move, maybe our family will grow...maybe. I hope for continued success for Little Brown Bag, for my sisters' and I's small businesses, I hope to blog A LOT more...It's all unknown for now, but next year on December 31st we'll have the answers to those questions. But the thing I want most for our family next year is to be just as blessed as we were this year, with health and happiness, to be surrounded by family at any moments notice and to give love and be loved by so many.

I've never looked up the definition of  'Auld Lang Syne', tonight I did. It means - the good old times. Remember, all hours in the day that go by, that you can't wait to be over, or that you rush through,
will all be the good old times, soon enough. Cherish each one in the coming year. Next December
31st, you'll look back and have a toast to Auld Lang Syne. Happy New Year!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

ONE year old!

When Liam was born I had no idea that a year could fly by so quickly. That I would almost wish for those many endless days and sleepless nights and 3am feedings. I do. He has grown so much in the last 12 months. As an infant I loved taking him out and showing him off, (I still do), and every grandmother I ever passed on the street told me it would go by fast and I knew it would, but not this fast! All of the firsts that I couldn't wait for the second I found out I was pregnant have gone by and been celebrated, from first laugh and smile to first Christmas and Birthday. Now there are a list of firsts Alex and I are awaiting, first words, first beach trip, first day of school...there will be many more things this emotional Mama will be anxiously awaiting for her baby boy. And some she will not be looking forward to...nonetheless, I know they will be there waiting for me.
I was just rocking the bouncing baby boy to sleep, or trying to, and he starts laughing out loud, his four teeth shining bright and I can't believe that one day he will be a full grown man, probably tower over me and it will be hard to believe he ever fit perfectly on my lap. I hear him now in his crib, practicing his, Bbbbb and Mmmmm sounds. As simple as that is, I am so proud of him. One day he'll say, "Thanks Mom." and I'll remember this moment, barely being able to make recognizable sounds. Can someone PLEASE find a way to stop time, or go back in time?!
It's so true what they say, that there is no love, like the love a mother has for her child. NOTHING like it. Alex and I still sometimes can't believe this amazing little boy is OUR son. When he gets compliments from people passing, my heart fills with pride and joy for him. God has truly truly blessed us.
Happy year one, Mr. Liam...this is just the begining!!!

Liam @ 1:
*LOVES balloons!
*loves his puffs, any flavor
*crawls everywhere, and tries very hard to walk
*loves being outside
*throws everything and anything
*gives kisses when asked for one
*knows when someone knocks, someone is here to visit
*loves when Daddy gets home from work
*weighs 22lbs
*28 inches tall

1 day old

so tiny

first haircut

1st birthday

Thursday, November 22, 2012


It's Thanksgiving again, and what BLESSINGS have been bestowed upon us this year!!!

Our growing healthy baby boy is on the top of our list this year!
Our Liam Quinn is a daily reminder of God's gifts. I am so thankful that He has chosen Alex and I as his parents. We are captivated by his wonder and innocence everyday. I am extremely thankful that I am allowed the opportunity to be home with him everyday and to to teach him and watch him grow. I may not have fancy clothes or jewelry but to be home with Liam is worth more than any of that could ever amount to.

We are very thankful this year that Alex has gained employment at a fantastic company that is close to home, allowing for more family time and school work. He works so hard everyday, in and out of the home, to provide the best he can for our little family and our future. I am so proud of him and thankful that God brought him (back) into my life. He is a wonderful husband- thoughtful, kind, loving, supportive, generous; and a fabulous father- again, loving, sentimental, tender, sensitive and silly.

Alex and I are both blessed to have wonderful parents. We are both very lucky to have both sets of parents together for over thirty years and who both love and still like each other. Their example of marriage fuels Alex and I's. Their dedication to family gives us a blueprint for our own in which we can only hope to instill our children with the same value and importance of family. We are learning that marriage is not always easy, add into the mix, children and everyday stresses but it is defiantly worth it! The good times far out-weigh the bad! We thank them for all of their love and sacrifices they have made for us and the rest of our families.

I am once again SO thankful for my sisters! Three built in best friends that will be there for me no matter what! I know that if I'm having a bad day I have three guaranteed chances of it getting better through either a simple conversation under the sun or over a burger, beer and some shopping.
I am also very thankful for two great brother in laws who are great compliments to my sisters. I am thankful we all get along and love to be around each other. Nothing makes me, or my parents for that matter, more happy than when we are all together, enjoying each others company.

I am thankful that we have a safe and nice (and BIGGER) place to cal home! I love making a home for my family. I love having family and friends in my home and celebrating the joys of life.

I am thankful that Alex and I are geographically close to family as well. Again, it is reassuring to know there are half a dozen people within ten miles to help with anything at a moments notice!

I am very thankful for this past month and a half that I have gotten to spend with my sister Amanda and nephew Nathan visiting from Florida. I hope the next two years fly by so that we can be in the same state again! It's been nice to have another person who understands Mama problems and Nathan has been so much fun to hang out with and I love hearing him say, "B, I go to your house later." or "Where's Alice?"meaning Alex...I will miss you both SO much!!! We all will.

Finally, I have to say I am thankful for those unanswered prayers and I thank God for knowing what is right and in his timing. This past year, and further, there have been so many things I have prayed for that did not come to fruition. Opportunities that would seem perfect for us but never worked out. I made myself remember, many times, just trust in God's timing, He know what He's doing. We cannot see the future and sometimes we do not know what is best for us. What we think is best is not. I am thankful that God has a better plan for us; the best plan.

I wish everyone a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving. Remember to be thankful for EVERYTHING in your life, the big things and the small things.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

7 months!

Lets see how much I can write before Liam wakes up...
Wow! Has time flown! Our baby is getting bigger and brighter everyday and I can't believe it has been seven months since the day I first laid eyes on him. I must admit, I feel a little bad for not having documented his big 6 month birthday but it has been SO busy around here. Alex went off to Phoenix for Amazon training at the end of August and was gone pretty much all of September. I teased him endlessly that I deserved a full relax day when he got back (which I am still waiting for and which look like it is about 18+ years out...) We are still unpacking boxes and hanging pictures, trying to make our new place a home AND keeping up on everyday things. I awake at 6am-ish and go to bed around 10:30pm only to feel defeated by cardboard and more dirty dishes. Liam eats ALL the time it seems and now that he is eating baby food (which he LOVES) it makes more of a mess and takes more time. He is also learning to crawl which means more floor time (i.e. - me on the floor chasing him and keeping anything and everything out of his reach) and less swing time.

I wouldn't trade any of this though.

Every once in a while when I find I have just spent half an hour on the floor teaching Liam how to clap or saying MAMA like I've been hit with a tranquilizer, I wonder, does he know what I'm doing? Is he getting it? Maybe all of that is a little ways out but of course he gets it! He gets that I'm there. And that is what is most important to us both. No words can describe the overwhelming joy my heart feels when he smiles at me or I make him laugh.

He is ALREADY seven months and I just want to say slow down! I haven't even gotten halfway through all my baby Pinterest projects yet and your already half a year!

Well, this is as far as it gets....he's waking up and I just realized the washer is done, washing...nothing. I forgot to put the clothes in! 7 months post and I still have baby brain...adios.

Here are a few of Liam's current accomplishments:

*LOVES baby food, except green beans and apricots.
*weighs 17lbs. 10 oz.
*laughs out loud when you pretend your hand is a spider crawling towards him
*learning to crawl on hands and knees. currently an expert on the army crawl
*loves making 'monster sounds' and flexing like a muscle man (that is how he communicates with Papa)
*he is a wiggle worm
*loves to nuzzle in blankets and pillows to fall asleep
*says, MMmmmmmm, when he is eating
*teething and loves to chew on his fingers
*up to date on all immunizations

waiting for Daddy on Skype

loves sleeping on his belly

first solid food (9/23/12)


Add caption

first own room and crib!

learning to crawl

7 months and sweet as honey :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Liam - 21 weeks

I read an article yesterday titled, Wish We'd Known: 20 Things No One Told Us About Raising a Boy, you can read it here - http://www.ivillage.com/raising-boy-parenting-tips-we-wish-wed-known/6-b-440087#440144
It reminded me of the little book my father bought me, Mother and Son, with little reminders on raising a boy, quotes and little stories. I couldn't read it for the first few weeks after having Liam. I was a MAJOR cryball from hormones I suppose and just the first few words on some pages would open the floodgates of tears. This article was funny, a little worrisome and quite a tearjerker. 

Our baby boy will be five months this Friday. He continues to fill our hearts with a ton of joy. 
He began rolling over to his tummy last week. Poor little guy tried so hard sometimes. rocking to his side and he just just didn't quite know what to do with that arm stuck under him! A couple times he would let out a big exhale in frustration and I just wanted to help him but this is something I could not do, he had to learn on his own. Funny, both Alex and I missed the first time he rolled on his tummy on the floor...and the second time. Alex was doing homework and I was cooking breakfast. I had laid him on his play mat to play with Captain Calamari and when I looked back to check on him he was on his belly! We watched him endlessly trying to capture this milestone on video and every time we did he just stared at us. I really think he is already camera shy! Now, he rolls to tummy from back and from back to tummy constantly! He inches around his mat and blankets pretty quickly. If he moves this quickly while I make some toast I can't imagine when he starts crawling! 
Liam doesn't have any teeth buds yet but is definitely in the process of teething. He is drooling like crazy and EVERYTHING must go to his mouth to chew. His favorite things to chew on are is rings, Sophie the Giraffe and his index and middle finger, together. When he is in his car seat being transferred around or while he is awake in the stroller, he holds on to the rings like a passenger on a subway. I think it's so cute. He also pulled down his vibrating Mr. Frog toy like nothing; before he would just bat at it like a cat.
I remember when we first brought Liam home and out him on his blanket and just started at him wiggling his tiny fingers. He just laid there like a caterpillar in a cocoon. Doing nothing. I though, it's going to be forever til he can move on his own...nope.  

*Liam already displays signs of frustration and stubbornness...uh-oh ;)
*He began rolling over @ 20 weeks
*He fights his sleep, still.
*Slept through the night 11pm-6am on Sunday, Aug. 5th
*He is very curious
*Loves to grab his feet!
*Grabs at anything and everything
*Enjoys watching Mama cook
*Loves when Daddy flies him in the air and buzzes him around with his imaginary jet-pack
*Likes to sleep on his side.
*Primarily nursing every two-three hours with one-two bottle/day up to 8oz. each! This boy loves to EAT!
*LOVES to TALK! (wonder he gets that from...)

can't take their eyes off that tv...


holding on to his prize

market night

story time

lunch with grandma

in grandmas garden

watching the 2012 Summer Olympic opening ceremony

aunt audra, uncle scott an liam

playing with papa

uncle scott recruiting liam to be an angels fan

like father like son!

trying to roll onto his tummy

mama and baby