Sunday, June 27, 2010

Love and Marriage

So we are coming up on our 1 year anniversary ALREADY!!!! I can't believe how fast the time has flown. So much has happened the last year or so...I will try to quickly fill you in...
First of all, I no longer work for Target. Last March I came down with a mystery back pain that no one could seem to figure out or cure. I have had test after test, different medications, many doctor appointments and MANY sleepless worrisome nights. I still have not 100% figured out my diagnosis but it is currently at
Costochondritis an inflammation of rib muscle or the cartilage connecting a rib.
it is extremely painful most of the time, I describe the pain as being that initial feeling of tightness in the chest when you get the wind knocked out of you, but all around the right side of my chest (basically my right rib cage). So I am medicated most of the day to help the pain although I have not been able to work because of the strength of the pain medicine and my in-ability to be in one position for too long. It has definitely been a stress on Alex and I's first year of marriage. He has had to be the only provider for the last few months since my benefits and state disability ran out. I I am currently awaiting a decision from Social Security Disability and any little bit would totally help. This has also taken a toll on my mental health as I used to be very active, loved to travel and have fun. Now, walking for too long can put my back into unbearable pain so my outings are limited.
I am SO appreciative of my amazing husband for all he has been doing for us through this difficult time. He works full time for Starbucks as an assistant manager and also goes to school full time at ITT Tech here in San Dimas. To show my appreciation for him I try my best to make a happy home for him. I love to cook and be crafty so I am always thinking of ways that I can brighten his long days or give him something special when he comes home.
Because we are living on limited means right now, I have become the QUEEN BEE of coupons! I look forward to Wednesday afternoon mail for the grocery ads to plan our weekly meals. I also take full advantage of three local farmers markets throughout the week. I keep myself busy by learning to cook new things and doing paper crafts. I am trying to enjoy the bright-side of not working--- being a loving wife and making a happy home for my husband but I do wish I could take a little stress off of Alex from a financial standpoint.
We still have our little SnickerBaby, who definitely keeps me company on Alex's long days. She is the sweetest pup ever and we love her to death. In March of this past year we actually adopted a Queensland Heeler pup from the Inland Valley Humane Society in Pomona but unfortunately had to take her back four days later and sadly had to have her put down due to parvo-virus. It was extremely sad for Alex and I. We had fallen in love with her in that short time and it broke our hearts to part with her. We keep a picture of her on our bookshelf, because she was part of our family, even if it was just for a few days and we will always remember her.
Today, Alex and I are enjoying our afternoon together. He unfortunately hurt his back last week so I am nursing my hunny-bunny back to health. He is equipped with movies, video games, pistachios, trail mix, IcyHot and beer. He's definitely earned a few couch potato days.
I will be posting some pictures of projects I am working on or great recipes I find, any household tips I find useful (or funny) and anything else I think newbie wives or wives-to-be may like to know. Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!

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